We now offer a range of calculators to assist you with your lending needs.
To make sure you are heading in the right direction with your lending needs, we have now made a range of calculators available for you to use. These selection of calculators will be helpful for finding out; how much you can borrow, how long it might take to repay the loan or find out the stamp duty cost. To understand all the details of your current or possible loans, please use the relevant calculators here.

Borrowing powers calculator – Wondering how much you can borrow? This calculator can be used to estimate your borrowing capacity for the purchase of an owner occupied property taking into account your income and expense details. This calculator is to be used a guide only and does not constitute as a pre-approval or credit advice.
Repayment timeframe calculator – Wondering how long it will take to repay your home loan? This calculator can be used to estimate the total number of years and months to pay off your loan taking into account a set interest rate, repayment amount and frequency. This calculator is to be used a guide only and does not constitute as credit advice.
Home loan offset calculator – Wondering how much you save with the funds accumulated in your offset account? This calculator can be used to estimate the amount of interest and time saved from utilizing your offset account based on your account balance. This calculator is to be used a guide only and does not constitute as credit advice. For more information on how an offset account works feel free to contact our lending managers.
Interest only mortgage calculator – Wondering how much your interest only repayments will be and how an interest only period affects your monthly repayments after it lapses? This calculator can be used to estimate both the repayment figure during the interest only period and after once it reverts to principal and interest repayments. This calculator is to be used a guide only and does not constitute as credit advice.
Stamp duty calculator – Wondering how much stamp duty you will need to pay on your property purchase? This calculator can be used to estimate the government fees that will be applicable depending on which state your property resides in. This calculator is to be used a guide only and does not constitute as credit or legal advice.
Savings calculator – Wondering how long you will need to save for a deposit? This calculator can be used to estimate how long it will take for you to have sufficient funds as down payment for your dream home. This calculator is to be used a guide only and does not constitute as credit advice.